What about boozers?

Publication title: Edmonton Journal
Pages: A15 Section: Letters
Publication date: May 28, 2001
ProQuest document ID: 252796643
Copyright: Copyright Southam Publications Inc. May 28, 2001
Author: Daniels, C

So now the grownups have portrayed the dark streets of downtown Edmonton in such a dismal manner that every parent from Mill Woods to Castle Downs will never let their kid out again. Hey club owners, did you know your "clubs are just drug dens?"

Edmonton's not a big city, and we don't compete with Lee's Palace or the Commodore, but we do have a tight community that perhaps the police or Bill Smith will never understand.

And they should be thanking Edmonton's club owners for their countless and probably thankless hours of hard work and vision in keeping Edmonton's scene alive.

No, I don't think underagers should be e-ing out and yes, parents should probably know where their kids are after 2 a.m., but hasn't society always had a preconceived notion that the activities of young people are "radical" and "in need of control?"

I'd also be curious to see why Bill Smith doesn't see any threat looming from the countless boozers stumbling out of bars that are the leading cause for everything from date rapes to drunk driving accidents and/or deaths, to just plain general annoyance.

I'm not a raver. I just think the rave scene has gotten enough abuse.

Not everyone that goes to a rave does drugs, OK?

Growing up downtown and sneaking into the Bronx once upon a time, I can honestly say, thank goodness for Edmonton's downtown scene. It's the only thing that really keeps the downtown core alive.

C.Daniels, Edmonton

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