Media has gone stark, raving mad (Letter)

Publication title: Edmonton Journal
Pages: A19 

Section: Letters
Publication date: Mar 30, 2001
ProQuest document ID: 252779048
Copyright: Copyright Southam Publications Inc. Mar 30, 2001
Author: Murphy, C

I have seen and read enough. The media's portrayal of the rave scene borders on propaganda.

Every time I read about it I see raves called things like "drug dens" and "all-night ecstasy-fuelled dance parties." It seems as though the media wishes to give the general public (most of whom have absolutely no idea what raving is really about) the impression that all ravers are nothing but a bunch of pill-popping punks. Scum of the earth, if you will.

We are not. There are some who are, I admit, but it is a smaller portion than the media portrays.

It seems, so often, to come down to drugs. Well, folks, drugs are part of our civilization now. They were there a long time before raves, and will be around for a long time after.

The truth is that I have seen much more irresponsible drug use at the bar and at house parties (where there are not people around who can help) than I have ever seen at a rave (where paramedics are almost always on site).

So many people condemn the scene, yet have never been near a rave or an after-hours club.

I have yet to see an article in The Journal showing the positive aspects, so let me tell you a few of the good things about the rave scene.

Ravers are friendly; never have I found another group of people easier to make friends with. Everyone is there to have a good time.

I have yet to see a fight at a rave. I have yet to see an example of any kind of discrimination at a rave -- sexual, racial, social status-wise ... it just doesn't happen.

I have seen nothing but kindness, respect, caring, acceptance and good vibes from my fellow ravers.

I beg the members of the media to simply show both sides of the scene that I love so much.

C Murphy, Edmonton

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